Are you tired with your chat window being bogged down with guild advertisements?

This is a bone simple addon modified from HarvensSimpleChatFilter to remove those pesky messages.

There are no settings for this addon, once you enable it will block visibility to all in-game links (and associated message) to guilds in chat window (it does not catch plain text guild adverts). The links are still technically sent if you post them in chat, however you won't see your message containing the guild link. Presently this applies over all chat channels, including whispers.

To re-enable visibility of in-game links to guilds simply disable this addon from the settings and then reload the UI (you can use the command: /reloadui)

Future versions may have options for disabling in selected chat channels. As well as blocking other types of messages, such as "WTS".

Thanks to Youkofoxy for testing.
