This addon has been moved to a new esoui entry. It will still work, but I recommend uninstalling this addon and installing the new Artaeum Group Tool on esoui.

This is an addon made for crowns by the Artaeum Dominicus PvP guild (AD), created by M0R, the former guild leader of Artaeum Dominicus

One of our common complaints when running a pug group is when people do not stay on crown. This addon solves that and more!

Feature 1: Stay on Crown
> Will kick pugs if they are not within a forward camp radius of crown for more than 10 min
> To toggle, type in /stayoncrown (or use the keybind)
> To set timeout duration, type /adtimerset [minutes]
> If a person about to be kicked is part of AA, crown will be notified instead of them being kicked.

Feature 2: Discord Invite
> Will send a message in group chat with a prefilled discord invite
> Chat message is prefilled, the only thing that is customizable (for now) is the discord link.
> To activate, type in /addiscord (or use the keybind)
> To set discord link, type in /adsetdiscord [link] - Run this command before you run /aadiscord

Coming Soon:
> Location relative to crown (Suggested by Akopian)
> Visual notification if in healing range of crown (Suggested by Ja'nessa)

> LibAddonMenu2
