Update API only for Adds MitigationPercent (with working penetration stat)
I will not add more feature or fix bug on this addons, only for update API!

Checkout my other addons for More Character Stat include Crit damage percent


Display damage mitigation from resistances in percent
Display a fixed and working penetration stat
Works in character and inventory view
Spell and physical mitigation can also be shown in a configurable UI panel
Shows resistance needed for the 50% hardcap in the addon's settings screen

This addon can display the mitigation that your resistances provide in percent in the character screen, inventory and/or as a movable panel. It also has a completely fixed penetration stat!

The used formulas:

Physical/Spell mitigation*: (resistance-100)/(level*10)
Physical/Spell hardcap(50%)*: 500*level + 100
Critical mitigation: resistance/level, derived from 50*level = 50%, taken from elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com

where level is your level+Veteran Rank (66 on V16).
*Everything seems to have 100 penetration by default, this makes the hardcap effectively 100 higher in every situation, hence the 100.

Penetration is a more complex matter:

The amount reported by the game (and used by other addons I know that show it) is absolute crap, it adds various wrong values for many sources, and also handles "percent ignored" wrong and doesn't show it. This addon attempts to fix it by using the combined research done by the author of this thread and myself. Head over there and read if you want to know more

The addon displays it in the format A + B.
A = percent of target's resistance ignored (e.g. mace passives)
B = flat amount of target's resistance ignored (e.g. light armor passive)

Known bugs:

If two 1H-Sharpened/Nirnhoned weapons are in the currently active weapon set and one of them is moved into the other set it will break flat penetration. Switching sets fixes that!

coolmodi for creating original AddsOn!
Garkin for originally showing me a way to change the char screen!
Sounomi for finding out why a game patch broke that!
Asayre on Tamriel Foundry for helping with the math behind penetration!
