Use the proper version of ATT please, not this one. This is purely experimental.

This version will not be maintained, I have modified the official v1.11.2 to add support for up to 92 days (=3 months) worth of stored data instead of 30, and added new selectors for 'this month', 'last month', 'prior month', and 'all time' (based on os.time("%m") which I think is the user's local calendar, not server time). This functionality is intended for guild leaders rather than normal guild members.

However, I would recommend that, for performance reasons, the extended period should only be used for a single guild (i.e., yours) rather than extending the data retention period for all guilds you are a member of.

Also note that the official version's new exports module may supply what you need, without the requirement to store more than 30 days of transaction data.

Do not trust the new translations (I am only monolingual). Do not trust the new code (I am new to LUA). I have tested with about 60 days of data, but not across a year boundary or other edge conditions, and only on PC/NA with keyboard&mouse.

