Lootdrop Deluxe is deprecated: Phinix is back and has updated Lootdrop Reborn. Delete your Lootdrop folder and install Lootdrop Reborn now.
See ya!

This is LootDrop Deluxe, son of LootDrop , LootDrop continued and LootDrop Reborn by Phinix, Ayantir, Flagrick & Pawkette.

Original LootDrop description
When you check the auto-loot option in Teso menu, drops go directly into your bag. But you do not know what you looted.
Lootdrop graphically displays this informations (icon, quantity, rarity and text) on the screen by stacking it in a specific and transparent window.

Features (LootDrop)
  • Displays your loots
  • Displays XP, Champion XP, AP, TelVar, Guild XP, Inspiration (Craft XP) & more, all configurable
  • LootDrop frame is movable (menu -> lock/unlock). Move it at the desired place, and lock it
  • Different icon style from menu (older one by default, Pawkette style or Rushmik style)
  • The quantity appears before the name, not after
  • Rarity color on border of the LootDrop frame configurable in menu (on/off)
  • Loot list can be set to stack upwards (default) or down
  • Key binding for Autoloot on/off and lootdrop frame lock/unlock
  • Show detailed loot in chat if debug log is checked
  • Show items looted from mail

Features Added by Phinix (LootDrop Reborn)
  • Added support for discovery of new Antiquity Leads with proper icons in the loot drop window & chat log.
  • Added support for Psijic Order guild progress.
  • Improved guild progress support in general.
  • Added support for Jewelcrafting experience.
  • Added support for Writ Vouchers
  • Added support for Undaunted Keys
  • Added support for Transmute Crystals
  • Added support for Event Tickets
  • Cleaned up the in-game settings menu.
  • Fixed item style not displayed in chat debug output when selected.
  • Fixed extended display experience option showing fractional percentage gains as 0%.
  • Removed dependency on old LibStub and cleaned up libraries in general.
  • Added proper localization with support for French, German, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Polish, and English of course. (Need human translations!)
  • Various other cleanup and adjustment.
  • Added new Skills section for controlling whether to display progress of certain skill trees in the LootDrop window.
  • Added various options for configuration (can hide skill tree name, show extended percent completion text, etc.).
  • Enabling 'World Skill Tree' will show Excavation, Scrying, Soul Magic, Vampire & Werewolf progress.
  • Enabling 'Weapon Skill Tree' will show Two-Handed, 1-Hand & Shield, Dual Wield, Bow, Destruction Staff & Restoration Staff progress.
  • Enabling 'Armor Skill Tree' will show Light, Medium, & Heavy armor progress.
  • Enabling 'AvA Skill Tree' will show Assault, Emperor, & Support progress.
  • Added support for soul gems gained by Soul Trap, Soul Lock passive, or other such means.
  • Added support for gaining a new collectible (like a costume or skin).
  • Added new section to set and configure showing gold value for drops (vendor, guild trader, or both).
  • Added new Chat option to set how group names are displayed in chat loot (character name, account name, or both).
  • Added new option under loot window settings to "Hide Loot Drop GUI" to only show loot results in chat (now also includes a keybind option under Controls).
  • Added new option to show item trait in the chat output.
  • Added event filters to EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE for improved performance.
  • Added full Companion XP and separate Rapport tracking. Can be enabled separately for loot window and chat.
  • Added full support to enable/disable showing all loot types in the loot window and/or chat log separately, so you don't have to enable one to see the other.

Many Thanks to Pawkette who created this addon, and Flagrick, Ayantir and Phinix who added a lot of awesome things into LootDrop!

Changelog of LootDrop Deluxe from Phinix's 4.26 version of LootDrop Reborn :
  • New ESOclassic visual style
  • Added Seals of Endeavor
  • You can now choose to between 1 and 10 lootdrop stacks displayed simultaneously while the others wait their turn to be displayed. (Phinix's version had no stack limit and could possibly fill the entire screen height)
  • Avoid displaying multiple lootdrop stacks of the same item/notification type
  • new "half extended" option for a few lootdrop types
  • many tiny visual tweaks & improvements
  • Brievely hide TelvarMeter (Imperial City) and InfamyMeter (crime) when a lootdrop is displaying.
  • Auto enable/disable ESO's Loot history setting when enabling/disabling the one in this addon.

Required Libraries:
