This patch is obsolete and has been merged into the main addon as I am now co-author and in charge of the original roomba.

- Bumped api to 101035
- Bumped api to 101034 "High Isle"

- Lite Mode: (off by default)
This new option in the settings will put roomba in lite mode and only restacks the item you put in Guild Bank automatically, just after you do it. (it takes 2 to 3 seconds each time)
Lite mode disables the regular mode, so in light mode Roomba doesn't scan your guild bank when you open it and the Roomba button will not appear.
So to resume the 2 philosophies:
regular mode: " I will clean all this mess in the guild bank at once" (IMO for guild masters to run once a week)
lite mode: "I will avoid doing mess when putting things in the guild bank" or " I will do my part by restacking only the item I just put in the guild bank" (IMO for guild members)

¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º° THIS PATCH IS INDEED THE FULL ADDON FOLDER °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸
You can install it without installing Roomba first (be sure to have LibAddonMenu and LibSavedVars installed )
I would also advise to delete your Roomba folder before installing this patch and install it manually (avoid a first install through Minion, use Minion only for auto-updates)
