
Title List Search Box 作者: perfiction

Description:Too many titles? Scrolling through the list takes ages?This addon adds floating search box above title dropdown list.Both keyboard and gamepad UI are supported.Search works with all languages and is case insensitive.

SimpleXPBar (2021) 作者: MadBuffoon

I fixed the addon from "https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info...mpleXPBar.html"I dont take credit for the base mod.I just did a crude fix to get it working and add commas to numbers.A very Customize-able, very Simple Experience and Level bar.Currently

JoGroup Updated 作者: batrada

This is an updated version of the addon JoGroup by JoyceKimberly. It adds support for warden classes and other newer features will include more language support. Thanks to joyce for the base version of addon and credit goes to her the base of the addon. T

No Dialog Background 作者: Dr4Wm4N

ENGLISH:A very simple addon that does only one thing: removing the (IMO ugly) dark background used in dialogs.It works for either mouse & keyboard interface and gamepad interface.This addon is inspired by one function of Mersoit's Dialogue Disable

Dialog Corrector 作者: Architecture

Simple and effectiveTidy up typography inconsistencies in NPC / quest dialog content This AddOn enforces the use of only one space after a period at the end of a sentence (instead of both single/double space usage intermixed within the same body of text