Version 1.5 (for Scribes of Fate) is out! Updates for this addon will only receive bugfixes and API version update, otherwise feel free to make an improvised version of this addon

While ESO have a lot of dialogs, the interface doesn't feel as good as Skyrim. This addon removes interaction camera when talking to NPCs and makes the interface feels like Skyrim (not 100% like Skyrim!)

You can look around while holding right mouse button.
This is a dialog addon based on Shinni's Free Dialog Camera.

Additional Features
-Removes "-" from NPC names.
-Aligns NPC/item interaction prompt to the center.
-Disables lockpicking camera, better awareness in third person.

-Instant rotation when interacted from behind.
-Sometimes interacted NPC doesn't look at the player.

This addon is likely compatible with other dialog addons which doesn't adjust the position of the dialog's interface.
This addon doesn't support gamepad mode.

Recommended Addons
This addon is much better when using:
Slow Dialogs : Makes you read the whole dialog.
Console Fonts : Replaces default font with console UI font.
Combat Reticle : Great reticle customization. I recommend to hide the reticle when not in combat.
