EN - FR - DE

ToxicPlayer is a tiny social addon that enables you to spot ignored players or friends more easily in the game by changing the reticle style.
You'll then be able to focus your foes on the battle fields, not help the players ignored in your faction and even spot your friends or guild mates if they're not grouped with you.
You can as well easily add target players to your ignore list (ideal for PvP T-baggers) and report players using exploits or bots for example.

Ignored players and blacklisted players from your guilds will be marked in red color, friends players will be marked as green and guild mates will be shown in blue.

A permanent marker will be added to the latest encountered player automatically, so you can find him/her back easily.

Now, you'll always remember your ennemies, and possibly, your friends...


  • Display a marker near the crosshair when targeting ignored players, friends or guild mates
  • Display a permanent marker above the latest encountered target (ignored players, friends or guild mates)
  • One key to display information about the latest encountered player (friend, guild mates, black listed from your guilds or ignored)
  • One key only to add the targeted player to your ignore list
  • One key to open the "report player" form about the targeted player

List of commands
  • /toxicplayers or /toxicplayers info : displays information about the latest encountered player (friend, guild mates, black listed from your guilds or ignored)
  • /toxicplayers whisp : whisper to the latest encountered player marked by the addon


This addon uses the following libraries:...and many thanks to Baertram and Eysile for their help and translations.
