The Elder Cam

What is it?
This addon allows players to manipulate the in-game camera, changing its position or forcing first person mode.

  • Hot key can be used to toggle which shoulder the camera hovers over while in third person. Great for thieves.
  • Hot key can be used to toggle centering the camera while in third person, for those of you that dislike the camera being off to the side.
  • The camera can be automatically centered or switched to first person, while in third person, if the player enters combat. The camera will move back to shoulder once combat ends.
  • Lock the camera in first person mode. You can now do many things in first person that used to switch to third person: ride your mount, assassinate people, or even sit in chairs. A hotkey can be assigned to toggle this on and off.
  • Players can turn off the interaction camera, when crafting, talking to NPCs, using siege weapons, using a dye station, lock picking, and placing/previewing furniture. This will prevent the camera from abruptly zooming in on NPCs, objects, your character, siege weapons, doors, and chests. Works both in first person and third person and the player can choose which events will zoom in and which don't.

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