Making tweaking easy: Camera / Dialog / Loot'n'Steal
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(Contact me to add another language)

This addon includes many dialog features, to enhance the game experience and to customize it your way.
All-in-one, without fancy colors or custom fonts, in order to stick with a sober interface.
/!\ I recommend to not use a custom UI scale to prevent any improper behaviour.
  • Customize!
    ⋅ Resize and tweak the dialog window,
    ⋅ Tweak all the content: Title, text, and options,
    ⋅ Add nice icons and/or numbers before chat options,
  • Keep history!
    ⋅ Keep an eye on the history of the conversation,
    (I suggest you to vertically shift the window to display more history)
  • Use animation!
    ⋅ Use the text fading animation to make it appear while the NPC is talking,
    ⋅ Customize the speed for regular and some specific dialogs.
  • Specify behavior!
    ⋅ For some specific dialogs, you can mute the NPC, auto-open the store, and speed-up or instantly display the content.

Warning: Spoiler

( GIF may not be fully up-to-date. )

  • Repeat the dialog

  • Cross-characters settings,
  • *NEW* Gamepad mode (BETA: Many features are not working),
  • Display conversation history,
  • *NEW* Output history to chat,
  • Resize the dialog window,
  • *NEW* Center window horizontally,
  • Shift vertically the window,
  • Use custom window internal paddings,
  • Change the window background and the content transparency,
  • Change the font size for the title (NPC's name), the text body, or the chat options,
  • Align the title like you prefer,
  • Additional padding,
  • Remove the useless dashes from the title,
  • Use the old-yellowish color for the title,
  • Font size for the body text,
  • Settings to hide the body text,
  • Settings to make the text appear using a progressive fade-in (including some text space prediction to prevent the jump-to-line during animation),
  • Control when the options appear ( instantly / after text fade-in / on key-press ),
  • Font size for the options,
  • Options height,
  • Grey out the “Goodbye” option,
  • *NEW* Add an option to repeat the dialog (can be greyed out too),
  • Add icons before chat options,
  • Add chat options numbering with customizable symbol and padding,
  • Change borders width when hovering options,
  • Add a background effect when hovering options,
    When hitting specific dialogs such as bankers, merchants/crafters, traders, stables masters or description:
  • Option to mute,
  • Option to auto-open "store",
  • Option to speed-up the text fade-in,
  • Option to display the text instantly.
Warning: Spoiler

  • In texts, replaces any double space by a single space in texts,
  • In texts, corrects the missing space between the end of a sentence and the beginning of the next (“. A”).
  • For important dialogue options, when using a keyboard, it requires a second key-press for confirmation.

  • Implement features in gamepad mode. As I am not actively playing the game, I don't have a planned date for that, sorry guys!
  • Prevent auto-open store if a pledge option is detected.
  • Get feedback from users Feel free to comment or ask for a new feature! Or even add another typo correction.
  • Think about other new features.

