  • Allows you to use custom fonts, change the style and size of nameplates

Important Prerequisites:
  • LibAddonMenu-2.0 required
  • Have to Restart game for the custom fonts to show (reloadui/relogin is not enough)
  • If disabling addon, you will need to teleport to a different zone to get the default nameplate font again

What it can do:
  • Use Custom Fonts (see section below to add your own, I have included a few)
  • Change style e.g. Normal, Outline, Shadow etc
  • Change SIZES of nameplate text

  • First make sure nameplates are enabled in settings
  • Next go to NamePlater options menu and change the font settings

Adding Your Own Custom Fonts:
(check out for 100% free fonts)
  • Download a font and put it in the "Nameplater\fonts\" folder
  • Open "Nameplater_Constants.lua" with notepad
  • Under "Custom Font Display Name" add a name in speechmarks followed by a comma e.g "OpenSans",
  • Under "Custom Font Location" add the location followed by a comma e.g. "Nameplater/fonts/OpenSans-ExtraBold.ttf",
  • Save "Nameplater_Constants.lua" and make sure you added the coma to the end of the lines AND your entries are in the same position on each list.
  • Restart ESO so the font is loaded and then select it from the Nameplater addon menu
*TLDR put font in font folder, add font name and location to "Nameplater_Constants.lua" then save and restart ESO*

Restrictions/Pro Tips:
  • Dont use really long font location names, there is a limit e.g. "OpenSans-ExtraBold-super-duper-mega-wont-work.ttf"
  • Escape > Settings > Nameplates, Nameplates = ON
  • In nameplate settings change "Targeted" to "Always" so you dont look like a creeper when you are trying to see someones name because you need pixel perfect aim
