Hi! A new update is ready with the trading module, where you can see a lot of trading information and earn your first million by playing with the gamepad interface )))

Lyrical digression
Comrades, friends! Please share information about this add-on in your guilds and forums, as I do not see any support and the desire to work on it is falling.
If no one really needs it, then I will just do it for myself, not paying attention to non-critical bugs )))
Working on a mod takes a huge amount of time and effort, but my conscience does not allow me to abandon it, even despite the lack of inspiration.


This addon improves the gamepad's UI by adding additional information and features.

More screenshots

What the mod does:
1. Add an information tooltip to the pause menu. Tooltip contains travel notes: current quest, inventory status, research status, NEW achievements tracking, information about soul gems, about Undaunted pledges (need optional addon Undaunted Pledges Utilities).
2. Add a new line in the pause menu that opens access to the Research, Sets, and Undaunted interfaces. Add "Quick access" in main menu pause for quick access to some of the scenes.
3. Restyle and resize font in tooltips, add the colored name of the weapon, information about the traits of the weapon/armor and more.
4. Changes the layout of tooltips, font size is smaller now.
5. Researches interface:
5.1. Grid interface with actual information about your researches.
5.2. On crafting stations adds additional information.
5.3. Allows you to disassemble the locked items (except for the items you're wearing) and items from the Bank.
5.4. Add a researchable icon to the inventory for the researchable items.
6. Sets interface:
6.1. List interface with 6 filters, search field, comparison mode and info tooltip.
6.2. You can view all items from sets and compare them with equipped items.
6.3. You can send items links, that you are looking for, in the chat.
6.4. You can fast travel to the set search zone.
NEW 7. Trading module (work with TTC and ATT):
7.1. Trading tooltip in crafting, enchant and alchemy stations.
7.2. Trading tooltip in guild store, banks and merchants.
7.3. Optional search mode with one-page results.
7.4. Colored evaluation of the price in result rows and tooltip.
7.5. You can track your purchases and sales that will give you control control over the trade.
7.6. There are trade module settings.
8. Add Settings module (in KelaPadUI submenu).

I have plans:
Refinement of all modules, improvement of user experience with a gamepad interface.

## DependsOn: LibSets LibItemLink
## OptionalDependsOn: TamrielTradeCentre ArkadiusTradeTools UndauntedPledgesUtilities

rkirgizov, EU server
[email protected], [email protected]
VK https://vk.com/rkirgizov
