Adds the trial time as well as extends the death counter to display the total deaths beyond the trials vitality limit

This is basically the modded base game version of Raidificator


Check out other addons from the "Added Info"-series:The "Added Info"-series aims to add more information without changing the style and functionality of the vanilla UI too much.

Known Issues:
  • Time turns red way before the speedrun time would end. I use GetRaidTargetTime() to get the time, however for whatever reason the target time never lines up with the speedrun time. Either my understanding of the "target time" is wrong or ZOS doesn't bother setting the return value to the expected speedrun time
  • Reloading UI or joining after a disconnect will not show the correct amount of deaths total if vitality has already been spent (would be fixable with saved variables however I don't see the point adding bloat just for that)

  • Should be compatible with all addons.
