An intelligent multi quest tracker on steroids!

Required Libraries: Optional Libraries/Addons:
  • WritWorthy (and all it's required libraries) Needed for the "Doable Writ" feature
  • BeamMeUp (and all it's required libraries) Needed to port to zone by clicking on the Lost Treasure description or the Lead description.
  • Français par XXXspartiateXXX (fait à approximativement 75%)
  • Teilweise deutsche Übersetzung von Hassen Warrior
  • Traducción parcial al español hecha por Salathar
If you want to translate the addon to your language, make a copy of the en.lua file in the Langs folder,
rename it to fr.lua for french, ru.lua for russian etc, translate the text (after the = sign only for each line),
test it, send me a link type in the comments so I can add your translation in the next update. Use the read me with instructions in the Langs folder.

Turn many things into a mini quest!

Vestige's Epic Quest aka VEQ is a double quest tracker (ESO quests [with per zone multitracking] + added mini quests)
it is heavily based on Fully Customize-able Multi Quest Tracker aka FCM Quest Tracker aka FCMQT by Blackstorm, DesertDwellers, Garkin with some features removed and many others added.

You can toggle the focused mini quest (if there is at least 2 mini quests) by using a keybind "next mini quest" in the controls options of the game menu.

Multi Quest Tracker Settings:
  • Hide Tracker when in combat
  • Overall width
  • Lock (background) position
Bind mouse controls to actions
Several settings for the Zone/Quest type display including:
  • Show/hide
  • Show/hide the quest type
  • Font
  • Font style
  • Font size
  • Padding
  • Color
  • Number of displayed quests for the same zone as the focused one (multiquest tracking)
  • Autoshare quests
  • Enable quest icon
  • Quest icon size
  • Quest icon color
Several settings for the Quest timer (when there is one) display including:
  • Show/hide
  • Font
  • Font style
  • Font size
  • Color
Several settings for the Quest name display including:
  • Font
  • Font style
  • Font size
  • Padding
  • Color
Several settings for the Quest Objectives/Hints/description including:
  • Font
  • Font style
  • Font size
  • Padding
  • Hide completed ones
  • Objectives color
  • Completed Objectives color
  • Hide all hints & optional info
  • Hide optional info
  • Hide optional objectives
  • Optional Objectives color
  • Completed Optional Objectives color
  • Hide quests hints
  • Hide hidden quests hints
  • Quest hints color
  • Completed Quest hints color
  • Show number of quests/limit
  • Show clock
  • Show focused quest keybind icon
  • Font
  • Font style
  • Font size
  • Color

Mini Quest features: (more to come)

- Empty your inventory when reaching a set limit

- Lost Treasure: Treasure maps, Tribute Clues and survey turn into mini quests as soon as they pop in your bag (perfect to use with the Lost Treasure addon).
If you have the BeamMeUp addon installed, clicking on the description ports you straight to the zone (if available) to get it.

- Skyshards: Adds a mini quest to get a skyshard if it is closer than 100m away.

- Leads: Adds a mini quest to go scrying and excavating an antiquity for each of the leads you have. When in cursor mode clicking on the description (Scry and excavate in...) ports you to the zone if you aren't in that zone and you have the BeamMeUp addon installed. If you are in the zone, it opens the Scry menu for you to start Scrying.

- Doable Writs: Adds a mini quest for each Doable Writ (have knowledge + have mats) in your inventory. The description is clickable and prompts you to start the writ without opening your inventory.

- Riding Skills Upgrade: Adds a mini quest to upgrade your riding skills as soon as you meet the conditions.

- Backpack / Bank space Upgrade: Adds a mini quest to upgrade your backpack or bank space as soon as you have the required gold.

- Daily / Weekly Endeavors: Adds each daily & weekly endeavor as a mini quest.

- Event Tickets Cap: Adds a mini quest to spend your Event Tickets when it reaches the minimal left to cap limit you set up.

- Transmute Crystals Cap: Adds a mini quest to spend your Transmute Crystals when it reaches the minimal left to cap limit you set up.

- Zone Guide: Zone guide mini quests auto enables and becomes a mini quest in VEQ on zone change and if you have no active quest in that zone.

- Dungeon, Battleground & Tales of Tribute Opponent Finder infos: see pics below

- Campaign Queue infos: see pic below

- Check Poison: ----- OFF BY DEFAULT -----
Checks the equipped poison slots after each combat, if there is no more poison in your backpack, it adds a mini quest to create poison.

- Psijic Time breaches helper:
Avoids you playing with 10 web browser tabs open when doing the Psijic Time breaches quests.

- Group Frames:
Colored companion and group members' names used as health bars with role icons.

- Wanted Museum Pieces:
Adds a mini quest to bring back to the museum every museum piece you have in your inventory

- Repeatable Quests Counter:
Adds a counter to keep track of the 50 repeatable quests per day & character limit

- Daily Reward Available:
Adds a notification when Random Normal Dungeon Daily Reward is available again.
Adds a notification when Random Battleground Daily Reward is available again.
Adds a notification when Tribute Match Daily Reward is available again.
Clicking on the description opens the corresponding menu for you to start them.
(3 separate settings)
