Important Update!
Updated API versioning to include ESO 9.0.

New Feature!
XP Label Placement

What's new?
  • You can now choose the placement of the XP Label relative to the XP Bar.
  • If you are at Champion Level, you cannot place XP Label above the XP Bar as it overlays pre-existing text.
    • If Top placement is the selected option, it will resort to displaying below the XP Bar.
  • If XP Label is placed below XP Bar, while hovering the XP Bar the XP Label will hide to show the XP Bar's tooltip. Otherwise, the Label will appear before the tooltip.

  • A simple addon that allows you to display the XP Bar at all times.
  • Setting saves Account-wide across all characters.
  • Customizable XP Label overlay.
    • Font face
    • Font size
    • XP Label formatting
    • XP Label placement


You can find the settings by going to Settings > Addons > PantherXP Settings


Source code can be found on GitHub by clicking the button below!
Please feel free to leave any bugs or feedback!

Donating is never a requirement, but always appreciated!

My pure motivation for this Add-on was that a similar Add-On I used wasn't up to date at the time. This Add-on was developed using the latest version of ESOUI API Functions.

Rynzaii (NA)
