This replaces the frame rate (FPS) and latency pane that is displayed when you turn on performance reporting in the game settings under SETTINGS->Interface->PERFORMANCE.

This version will also calculate and display running averages for your frame rate and latency over the maximum number of samples you specify in this addon's settings.

You can also specify how often the frame rate and latency are sampled.

Double-clicking on the frame rate or latency will show/hide the averages as well as start/stop sampling to calculate averages. Stopping and re-starting will reset the number of samples back to zero.

REQUIRED LIBRARIES (which you need to also install):


Optionally, if you have the LibDebugLogger library installed you can have all frame rate and latency samples logged to the debug log. You can use the DebugLogViewer addon in order to view the logs as well as extract them to your computer for further analysis.
