Utility to hide your group during combat for all classes.
It detects automatically if you are a necromancer and adapts its behavior to be able to use corpses.
It is far from perfect but at least it does not hinder necromancers from casting spells.

How to use
Use the command "/hidegroup" to hide/show your group. The group members will disappear after bar swapping or loading.
You can also bind a key to hide/show your group.

Known issues
When using on necromancers, some group members may reappear if they go too far from you, e.g., tanks for pre-pull. If that happens, all group members should disappear again after any loading screen. It is a compromise to always be able to use necromancer skills.

All credits to Wheels for the base code from HideGroup.

If you want to contribute, please use the GitHub project
