
LuiginoMP's Daily Quest Tool 作者: luiginomp

Dependency on LuiginoMPsDialogueSkipper.All-in-one tool for handling daily quests: Skips dialogue for known Daily Quest Givers and automatically accepts quests. Tracks known quests to show whether they've been completed for the day - resets daily. Auto-l

TheElderSichGuildhall 作者: vanilla_aquila

Addon for fast access to The Elder Sich Guildhall teleportation/sgh from consoleorJournal -> Top Left corner icon

Guild Listing 作者: lahouari

Dependencies:Optional:LibDebugLoggerInfo:Simple utility to store guild members information in a file,Usage is to call /saveguild X command where X is a index of a guild you want stored.if you want to store information of multiple guilds call the comma