
TheElderSichGuildhall 作者: vanilla_aquila

Addon for fast access to The Elder Sich Guildhall teleportation/sgh from consoleorJournal -> Top Left corner icon

The Soulless of Tamriel - Guild Hall 作者: Neomazu

WelcomeThe add-on allows you to travel directly to the Guild Hall of The Soulless of Tamriel. It also includes a guild invitation that will be posted in chat once executed.Greetings Neomazu

Taz's Chat Notifier 作者: Tazmyr

Are you missing Guild Chats, chats from Friends, or chats that have already scrolled-by?This addon let's you configure selected sounds for inbound Chats you don't want to miss.Features:- Select from 11 different sounds (or Disable) for EACH of these in