Advanced Group Roster allows you to make a number of adjustments to your group roster. These include:

- option to switch out the character for account name, or have them side-by-side instead
- switch out champion point lvl for PVP rank (with icon)
- color-code player roles
- mark yourself on the roster with a STAR
- 'Auto Transfer Leadership Upon Death' setting, which transfers group leadership (if you're the current group leader) to a secondary leader that is in group
- Replace people's names with your own nicknames
-- If you are displaying account and character names side-by-side, the nickname is still just replaced in the first column
- color-code those that are in the same zone as you
- ability to hide those roster roles that that player isn't using
- ability to add notes to each player in the group roster, like the guild roster
- ability to watch for when group members are away
-- listens for your own list of away messages in group chat and uses the guild roster away icon to set the person as away
-- next chat message after being set to away returns them to normal
-- their away message is added with the tooltip when mousing over the away icon
-- the time they went away is also recorded in the tooltip
- Raid Attendance on how long a character participates in Raid
-- The idea is that a leader will start the raid, and as each character joins and leaves, the addon adds up their total time spent in group. Then at the end of the raid, you can follow the following instructions (also found in the addon's settings in-game) to get the data and put it in whatever format you need.

Thanks to Ayantir and her addon GMen for providing these steps. Tutorial for Notepad++ (to export Raid Attendance):
  • Open the file
  • Do Ctrl+H (Search & Replace)
  • In Search, Write : (^\s*\[\d*\]\s\=\s\")(.*)(\",$)
  • In Replace, Write : \2
  • Select option Regular Expression
  • Click Replace All
  • Copy your text
  • Close your file WITHOUT saving

This addon also adds some options to the group roster when clicking a player's name:
- Adding/Removing someone as a Secondary Leader: Easy add or remove someone via the group roster vs. using the addon settings.
- Clearing that person's AFK status: When tracking whether group members are away, sometimes they simply post when they leave but not when they come back. So you can manually remove someone's AFK status.
- Kicking a Player from group: if the leader has you set as a secondary leader, you can use this to kick someone from group.
- Promoting a Player to Group Leader: if the current group leader has you set as a secondary leader, you can use this to promote someone to be group leader.

Group Invite Options:
- Allows you to auto-invite players from chat that type in the invite string.
- Allows you to specify group size and when to auto-kick people who go offline
- Can set to only listen to non-zone chat or all chats
- Ability, per guild, to say 'only invite if they are this rank or higher'. For example, if player A uses the auto-invite code and their rank is 'Member', but the setting is set for rank 'Raider' (which is higher then 'Member'), the auto-invite won't allow them to join group.

Raid Management Options:
Raid Management allows you to auto-set how many of different types (that you get to create) of players you want in your group. You can choose to rank them and let those that come later to group join and kick players that are considered a lower grade, or simply do it on a first-come-first-serve basis. You write up the character name, choose the rank, then add them to the right list. When they use the group invite system to get into raid, the code will ensure that only that amount of healers, dps, etc. get into raid, allowing the group leader to do what needs to be done. You can use '/rreq' to post a list of how many of each player type you currently have in group.

Guild Advertisement:
Ability to advertise your guild in zone. Add the message via the addon menu (or via chat with /mg* command - ex. /mg1 for first guild listed, /mg2 for second, etc) and post it in chat with /ga* command.

If there's anything you'd like to add, simply put a comment here or feel free to PM me in game at '@aldericon'.

  • LibAddonMenu-2.0
