This addon lets you become a Custom Equipment Crafter for Hire!

  • Periodically advertises your services on Zone Chat.
  • Takes orders from customers using an automated chat interface.
    • Automatically mails them a receipt when they complete their order.
  • Lets potential customers request pricing lists, and automatically mails the lists to them.
  • Allows customers to provide their own crafting mats for a discount (if you configure that option).
    • When option is enabled, the customer is prompted if they want to provide their own mats
      • If they answer yes, the addon mails them the list of mats needed for the order, including the per-unit discounts for each mat.
  • Allows you to require deposits from customers if their order total is above a threshold you set (if you set one).
    • Automatically mails the customer a request for the deposit amount (if they owe one), and
    • Automatically detects when you receive the deposit.
  • Lists your Waiting, Started, and Delivered Orders on the main window.
  • Displays the order you're working on, and the materials needed to complete it.
  • Helps you get needed materials from your Mule Toons (if you have any).
  • At any crafting station, it shows you the items you still need to craft at that station.
  • Chat message tells you when you've completed your order.
  • Automatically mails the ordered items (COD) to the customer with a few clicks.
  • Keeps track of your total sales and profits. *
  • Integrated with FCOItemsaver (to auto-mark items crafted for your order).
  • Addon Settings Panel has a full list of optional Slash Commands.
* NOTE: For now, if you want to keep track of your profits, you have to manually enter
your crafting mat purchases in the "Add New Purchase" window.

  • Use the addon settings panel to set all of your selling prices and fees.
    • NEW: If you have LibPrice installed, you can use any Pricing Addon to automatically set all your selling prices and fees.
  • All prices and fees are set on a per-unit-of-material basis.
  • You can also set Per-Order and Per-Item Labor Fees.
  • The addon does the all the math to calculate the final prices of items, and the Order Total.

When using the addon settings panel, be aware that the
mouse wheel will CHANGE THE VALUES of the sliders!
So when you scroll up and down the settings panel,
BE SURE to position your mouse on the vertical scroll-bar to
the far right of the panel, far away from where the sliders are!!!!!

Pricing Example:
Lets say a customer places an order for 1 item:
Level 6 Iron Axe, Fine/Green, Training, High Elf Style, non-set item, no enchantment.

That requires 5 Iron Ingots, 1 Adamantite, 1 Carnelian, and 2 Honing Stones.
(Assuming your Blacksmithing Improvement Passive is maxed. The addon checks your passives.)

Now suppose you set your Iron price to 5g (Under Metal Weapons),
your High Elf Style Fee to 15g, your Training Trait Fee to 10g,
your Green Blacksmithing Improvement fee to 20g, your Per-Order Labor Fee to 500g,
and your Per-Item Labor Fee to 100g.

Then the addon would calculate this item's Base Price as:
(5 * 5g) = 25g

And the addon would calculate the Item Fee as:
15g + 10g + (2 * 20g) + 100g = 165g

So the Item Total would be 190g, and the Order's Grand Total would be 690g.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To-Do List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ~~~ Ritual Objects & Oddities ~~~
    • No known bugs.
  • ~~~ Cosmetics, Linens & Accessories ~~~
    • Make selecting a mat easier in the "Add New Purchase" window.
    • Ability to customize the default mail body for the delivery mails.
  • ~~~ Drinkware, Utensils & Dishes ~~~
    • Add "Reset Stats" button to reset the Sales/Profits Statistics.
    • Implement the "Max Orders" option. (Right now it does nothing)
    • Reminders for over-due orders.
    • Make "mule window" work for withdrawing from Housing Storage.
  • ~~~ Games, Dolls & Statues ~~~
    • Support in-person trading window for order delivery & payment.
    • Recognizing glyphs for the enchantments needed for the items.
    • Auto-crafting using LibLazyCrafting.
    • Automatically detect crafting material purchases.
    • Add preview windows for viewing what your price-list, set-list, and style-list mails look like.
  • ~~~ Writings & Maps ~~~
    • Support the Jewelry Crafting Profession.
    • Support orders for Potions and Poisons.
    • Support orders for Foods and Drinks.
    • Support orders for Furnishings.
    • Support swapping orders with other players who use this addon, maybe???

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