Guild Alert
Written by @Cardinal05

Want an easy way to get your Guild Members' attention with high-priority alerts? This simple add-on may be what you are looking for...

How does it work?
To broadcast a message to any Guild Members that have this add-on and that are online:
  1. Edit your Guild's About Us field on the Guilds menu.
  2. Add a new line, at the end of the field, that starts with Alert: followed by your alert message.
    * Note that any text left above Alert: will not be sent to Guild Members as an alert.

For example, your About Us field could be changed to the following...

We're a dueling guild. Our tournaments are held 24/7 - which is impressive.

Alert: Type "duels" in gchat for tournament invite.

...and a center screen Announcement and Chat Message will be displayed with the following message (to any online Guild Members that use this add-on):

(Your guild's name) Alert

Type "duels" in gchat for tournament invite.
