As a spiritual successor to AutoInvite, LGM is designed to fit the needs of anyone who forms a group ever, with savable groups, simplified automatic invites, offline kick, and an in depth group death recap tracker... because why not?

The LGM interface is connected to the in-game Group Window, and can be selected from the List on the left of the same window. LGM is further split into Invite, Raid, and Death panels accessible from the Menu Bar at the top of the LGM window. (See Images)

Here's a tutorial video I threw together for the people who like to see things: It is slightly outdated, but still enough to get the gist of it

  • Chat Scan invites - Specify multiple invite strings for each guild, zone, and whispers. Each alphanumeric word entered into each field will scan incoming chat messages for any of those words that appear anywhere in the chat message... and then instantly invite them to the group. (See Images)
  • Offline Autokick - Group Members that go offline will be automatically kicked after a configurable amount of time (5 - 120 seconds)
  • Alt Character auto kick - When someone in your group logs off while in group, then joins the group with another character on the same account, the offline character will be kicked automatically. (toggle off with slash command)
  • Max Group Size - Set a soft group size limit (2-24). Invites attempted while your group is at the selected size will fail, but previously sent invites can still be accepted (and will breech the set limit).
  • Invite Feedback - The response to your group invites will no longer beep at you and appear in the upper right briefly. The responses are now a part of the invite panel and remain there until you reload ui, clear the list, or crash to desktop. Any invite that does not go through for any reason can be resent with a simple button click.
  • Raid Groups - You can now form raid groups ahead of time and batch invite them at your leisure. New members are added to the raid group by right clicking their name from the Vanilla Group List, Friends List, or Guild Roster and selecting the new option "Add to Raid Group" from the resulting menu. Multiple Raid Groups are supported. Your raid group can then be invited with a single button click, and LGM will automatically invite raid group members as they log in.
  • Active Invite Lists - Each list provides can mark a member as "active" or "inactive" by simply left clicking on their respective entry in LGM. This allows them to stay in the Raid or Invite lists, but they will be skipped by the batch invite features. This feature is designed for raid groups that have regular filling players in addition to the standard 12 man group.
  • Invite Suggestions - A new option to automatically scan @names from group and whisper chat. The names will be added to the Invite Panel for easy access.
  • Re-invites - Everyone that enters your group (or is sent an invite by you) is added to the LGM invite list until removed by a reset, clear, crash etc. Any failed invites for any reason can be resent together with the batch invites. This is also a defacto group reform feature. Simply disband, and then batch invite the group again. This even works if you were not initially the group leader.
  • Track Online Status - As visible in the images, the online status of your raid groups are easily visible from the Raid Panel so you always know who to yell at for being absent with a simple glance.
  • Invite people hiding offline - This is almost an accidental feature, but the raid batch invites can catch people hiding offline. None can hide from the Raid Leader!
  • Death Recap - Tracks and saves the total deaths and cause of death for all nearby group members (and yourself). Death recaps can be viewed in a clean and orderly fashion from a standalone panel within LGM with a breakdown of what killed who and how often. There are multiple ways to share death info via group chat. Check the tooltip on the button in the Deaths Panel.
  • Group Death Recap Timeline - View the time of death and death recap for every member of your group. Finally track down what's actually killing your people.
  • Wipe Indicators - Intermediate death recaps are stored automatically every time your group wipes
  • Real Time Death Recaps - The death recaps can be configured to appear on screen during gameplay at a configurable length and position. (See Slash Commands)
  • Group Healing - The death recaps now include healing received between damage taken events. The healing received will be sorted by the largest healing source to smallest.
  • Updated Death recap

Slash Commands
  • /lgm - Prints help menu for /lgm slash command
  • /lgm togglemove - Makes the recap window appear so it can be given a new default position.
  • /lgm s|summary - Populate group chat with the current display in the death panel (order and format are based on the list in the Death Panel)
  • /lgm recap #number - specify a number of history items in the death recaps. Takes effect on new death recaps.
  • /lgm liverecap #number - specify a number of rows to be displayed on the real time popup window. 0 = off
  • /lgm trackdeaths - toggle whether or not LGM tracks your group's deaths
  • /lgm altkick - toggles whether or not alt characters are kicked automatically (independent of offline kick timer)
