This Addons is intended to help manage a Guild.

Dependencies (please, install these):
* LibStub
* LibFeedback
* LibAddonMenu-2.0

WARNING for version 1.1.0+: This is a complete rewrite of the add-on. So you need to complete the new settings the first time. I tested as much as i could and fixed everything i found, but i may have missed something, so PLEASE be careful, specially with mass demote/mass remove/Blacklist features!

Type "/leogm" on your chat to open the main window or use the KeyBinding.

It uses MasterMerchant or ArkadiusTradeTools data to avoid scan the guild sales by itself. If you just installed them, wait for it do its first deep scan, then you can use this one.

* Configurable time frame (based on MM or ATT)
* Guild scan for members deposits (manual or automatically)
* Purge - Will list members that did not met the defined requirements in the settings (Option to ignore new members, members with rank above certain threshold)
* Purge: Buttons for Mass remove / Mass demote
* Purge: Right-click on a guild member for options: Whisper, Mail, Demote, Kick. (Soon: Edit Note)
* Blacklist: Any blacklisted player will be kicked from the guild. The userID must contain the @ and be with correct case (eg: @MyUserID)
* Tooltip on guild roster with "time in guild" and "Invited by". More info to come soon.

Future features:
* Raffle
* Statistic tab ]
* Send email with customised message for donations (thank note)
* Consider donations for multiple time frames (eg. Going into vacation, donated for next 4 weeks)
* Promotions (based on separated rules)
* Mass promotions / Mass bye and gratz mail (with checkboxes)
* Farming group control and reward at the end
* Reward system (prizes for top recruiters, top sellers)

My addons:
Leo's Altholic
Leo's Trainer
Leo's Guild Manager
Leo's Dolmen Runner
