With this addon, when you type in the "Filter" text box in a guild roster, it will also search the Member Notes and display any results that match either the Member Note or the user's name / @handle.

You can also search for players of a given rank by typing in the rank name.
You can also search for players of a given rank OR HIGHER, by typing in the rank name, followed by a plus sign (+). For example, Newbie+
You can also search for players of a given rank OR LOWER, by typing in the rank name, followed by a minus sign (-). For example, Leader-

That's it! Very simple addon.

IMPORTANT: This addon conflicts with any addon that hooks GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:FilterScrollList(). I am only aware of one addon that does this currently -- ddShopKeeper. If you have ddShopKeeper please decide if you want this addon OR ddShopKeeper.

You can't have both this addon and another FilterScrollList hook working with the correct functionality of both at the same time until or unless a compatibility layer is developed and we can get all the addon authors to use it.

In a future release of this addon I will attempt to detect when one of your installed addons (other than SearchMemberNotesToo) is hooking into that function, and display a warning so you will know when this happens, but for now I am releasing this addon as-is.

If the addon doesn't work, ask yourself the question: Does any addon I currently have enabled, other than this addon, change the behavior of the search box in the guild roster?

If the answer is "yes", it probably hooks FilterScrollList, and is incompatible with this addon.
