RoleCrowns adds customizable icons to group members that indicate their selected role (Tank, Healer, DPS).

- RoleCrowns cannot draw crowns during Dungeons and Trials. This isn't a bug but a limitation in the game.
- The game hides player roles during Battlegrounds matches. Because of this, a separate crown icon is used for group members during Battlegrounds.

- Group Role Crowns: Group member crowns change to show the role they have selected (Tank, Healer, DPS).
- Adjust Size: Resize the crowns to be larger or smaller.
- Adjust Y Position: Raise or lower how far the crowns appear above group members.
- Adjust Color: Change the transparency and color of the crowns for each role.
- Adjust Style: Select from several different icon textures, each role has three icons styles to choose from (Simple, Ornate_Light, Ornate_Dark).
- Player Icon: Allows an option to show an icon over yourself as well, this is disabled by default.
- Pulse Animation: Causes the icons to loop a pulsing animation, making them fade in and out.

- The settings menu can be opened with /rcs
- Default in-game crowns can be disabled by navigating to: Settings > Nameplates > Indicators > Group Members

Dependencies (Included):
- Lib3D
- LibStub
- LibAddonMenu-2.0

Special Thanks to:
Hero & Devin, for helping me test.

