The big rewrite is finally here! The Addon has been rewritten from the ground up using more appropiate methods to achieve the result as I learned a lot over the years of making addons for ESO. Please report any bugs or issues you find as testing every combination of options is impossible for me to do.

Show a lot of useful information to the group list:
  • Hightlight Tanks and Healers in the first column
  • Hightlight yourself in the first column
  • Show character name, userID or both
  • Extend the width of the group window
  • Sort the list by any column: Name, UserID, zone, level, role...
  • Shrink the role display of group members to only show their selected role
  • Show alliance in tooltip
  • Show the group's average championpoints
  • Show alliance rank in level tooltip
  • Show min and max cp players of your group
  • Show your healers' and tanks' class and race (requires "Mark Tanks and Healers" option to be enabled)
  • Show companions of group members that are in your vicinity if you want to see them appear in the list like players do

All the features in the list above can be configured to your liking.

Options are currently available in English, German and French.

Automatically uses your game locale for the new column's header's text.


Check out other addons from the "Added Info"-series:The "Added Info"-series aims to add more information without changing the style and functionality of the vanilla UI too much.

Known Issues:
  • None!

  • Should be compatible with all addons that don't mess with the group list anchors and widths (ZO_GroupList and children). Functionality of existing controls (notes, tooltips, etc.) is not touched
  • Will most likely be incompatible with any addons changing group member rows' colors
