WIN 100k Gold! Name this Mod Contest.
To Enter:
1. Download this mod.
2. Either click the button on the UI, or open the mod's settings.
3. Think of a good name.
4. Type your suggestion, then hit send suggestion.

Thanks everyone for using this mod. I am looking forward to seeing some great new names.

Handy UI Mod for Friend, Group, and Teleporting Controls.


-Select 3 Friends to Show on UI with features for each
(Show Online Status, Travel to Player, Group Invite, Travel to House)

Quick Buttons that give convenient access to the following:
-Queue for Normal Random Dungeon (Alternate Activities Selectable in Settings)
-Leave Group and Disband Group.
-Invite to Group.
-Travel to Player.
-Travel to friends homes.
-Travel to own home.

-Join a Friends Group via Settings (Friend must also have this mod)
-Displays Dungeon Difficulty Setting with Button to Change Difficulty.
-Displays LFG Role with Button to Change Role
-Button to Initiate Ready Check and UI Visuals of Election Statuses.

-Option to Auto Accept LFG Ready Checks (default:OFF)
-Option to Auto Accept Group Invites from Favorites (default:OFF)
-Option to Disable Travel to Leader Prompt (default:OFF)
-Option to Auto Leave LFG Groups after Activity Completes (default:OFF)

-Settings to hide certain sections of the UI avaliable.
