Guild Tools By Fen

This is going to be a toolkit to help manage guilds.

  • how long ago a guild member joined the guild in a tooltip when you hover the guild member name.
  • bank gold deposited and withdrew in a tooltip when you hover the guild member name.
  • invite player to a guild menu item when right clicking a player name on chat
  • paste saved guild invite message to chat

If you need the processed data for exporting you can access the lua file in the savedVariables folder. It is formatted as a lua table for the moment but I intend to create a parser to convert it to csv or another format. Leave a comment if you'd this feature!

Inspired by and based on Advanced Member Tooltip Addon.
this addon relies heavily on LibHistoire since it reads all guild history from LibHistoire's logs
If you have a request please leave a comment.

  • LibHistoire
  • LibSlashCommander
  • LibCustomMenu
  • LibAddonMenu-2.0
  • LibSavedVars
  • LibDateTime


If you have just installed this addon and only a few members have the tooltip you need older data than that available in LibHistoire. You can request more data from the guild history interface, hotkey E (bottom of the screen) and click refresh on LibHistoire interface. If you need a lot of old data you will have to click show more a lot. Remember to click refresh or else LibHistoire will not refresh the logs. After that /reloadui.
Check the pictures for more info.


Baertram, Sirinsidiator, Votan, Manavortex and everyone at eso ui. Without their work on libs and their help on chat I would not have come this far today. Also, thanks to Hiyde, TobbyCreature and XxLordCristoxX for the help testing the addon.
