This addon adds some information to the standard guild roster tooltips:

- Days since a member joined
- Last Seen - When the player logged off
- Amount of gold that a member deposited or has withdrawn from the guild bank. (Must have Guild Permissions)
- Players can see their individual deposits for the current week regardless of permissions. (In tooltip only)
- Export Stats feature

This is a continuation of the mod by Arkadius for use with LibHistoire. If you would like a version that does not require LibHistoire then use AMT 1.6 by calia1120



Export Stats

/amt export <Guild Number>
Lua Code:
  1. [9] = "@LazyPlayer = > 195&0&0",
  2. [10] = "@PlanetMageplar = 195&0&0",
displayName = daysJoined "&" timeLastSeen "&" amountDeposited "&" amountWithdrawan
The ">" symbol means that the server's guild history did not have any record of when the player joined the guild because the server does not go back that far. Otherwise they joined in the amount of days indicated.

When using Epoch time

displayName "&" daysJoined "&" timeLastSeen "&" amountDeposited "&" amountWithdrawan
To Refresh

/amt refresh
Refresh data from LibHistoire. This will pull in all guild data available from the cache including information for joined date.
