WarCry's for everyone!

The WarCry addon is a shortcut for playing collectibles / emotes via chat comands or at the press of a button. It is primarly used by our raidgroup to take screenshots & to just do some fun things.

The collectibile which is currently in use is the one you get from the open dungeon in wrothgar.

You can also now use it to sync with your group. The leader can write "ahu" in the party chat window and all players who have the addon will execute the animation. This can be disables in the settings if you don't want/need it.

$NAME can be anything ( if you use the API and create your own addon )
By default there are two modes: "ahu" & "roar"

this addon is based on LibWarCry which allows you to easily create WarCryType addons on your own.
It can be found here: https://github.com/m00nyONE/LibWarCry and here: https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info3212-LibWarCry.html

  • /warcry $NAME - play a warcry
  • /wc - print help
  • /wcsettings - open settings menu
  • $NAME - (in group chat) everyone playes the emote
You can also set a keybind for the actions

There will be more to come:
  • chaining of emotes

Because i get some Questions regarding WarCry ingame, here is a small FAQ:

Q: Can i pls get my own WarCry? I'll pay you!!! PLS PLS
A: of course :-D I didn't ask for it but yes. you can add me on Discord ( m00ny#8416 ) or send your request ingame to @m00nyONE. Otherwise you can always write your own Addon using the LibWarCry and share it with your friends or your group.

Q: My GL said i have to download this. Why do i need this, i don't want this.
A: Maybe your Group or Trial leader thought it would be funny? But I'm not resposible for you not downloading an Addon :-D Just talk to him/her and explain why you do not want it and then everything should be fine i guess..

Q: Can you do it that everyone changes clothes to some predefined outfit or something?
A: Yes but this is out of scope for this addon. This is just a ProofOfConcept for my Library. But yeah.. i thought about something like this for a project maybe in the future
