Dependencies: LibAddonMenu LibGuildRoster LibCustomMenu LibChatMessage

Main Features
  • Backup member notes
  • Send welcome mail
  • Set a template note for new members

Other Addons from ITT:
ITTs Donation Bot - Keeps track of guild donations
ITTs Roster Bot- Keeps on top of guild rosters


As a guild master of various trading guilds I have realized over the years that the member notes are one of the most important features in leading a guild.
They are the only way to store additional information on guildmembers.
As such in my guilds the notes are rather important and since members do not know what's important and what's not they will leave the guild for various reasons and will not tell us about it.
Resulting in that important information being lost.

So I sat down and started to write an addon which helps me recover that lost information by saving it locally.
Over the time I added various features which I did manually in my guilds, including setting the note for new members and sending a welcome mail explaining what the guild is about etc.
Additionally most addons we use for administrative work in our guilds are either ancient or lacking.
Ghostbane released ITTs Donation Bot which helps us track donations reliably since the only other addon we were aware of that did this was broken since the history change on ZOS' side. I thought since I recently learned more and more about programming I could give it a shot. Therefore Ghostwriter was born.

Setup (for a more thorough explanation please head over to the GitHub page)

Ghostwriter is a permission based addon, as such if you first install it without setup it wont do anything. This was done to prevent accidental spamming of new members (if 27 people in a guild have this addon and have the welcome mail enabled the newcomer might get 27 mails).

Ghostwriter will search the notes of guildmembers for its permission pattern. The notes being one of the only 3 ways to exchange information in real time with other members and their addons (the other 2 being the MotD and about-us). So theoretically people who can change their notes could change the permissions. If you do not want that, change the guild permissions for editing notes!

First steps: Think about who of your staff should send a welcome mail, who should set the note for new members (the backup option is tethered to the addons noting permission to prevent people who shouldn't be able to to export your notes) and who should write a welcome message in the chat. After you decided who does what, edit their notes! The pattern is specifically made to be invisible when previewing notes! It will only be visible when editing the note!

List of Patterns:

Once this pattern is in the note, the settings for each guild will be available where you do have the permission.

Miscellaneous features
Basically as i have written this addon i had a bunch of ideas which i thought would be helpful

Guildroster Column
Will indicate if a note is saved (green), if a note is not saved yet (grey), if a different note is saved by the addon (orange) or if a note is saved by the addon but not saved in the roster notes (red).

Guild links
Any of the system messages which include a specific guild will have a link for that guild in them, these links include:
  • The name of the guild
  • The color you chose in the vanilla settings for each guild
  • clicking the link will result in:
    • Leftclick = opening the guild home
    • Rightlick = opening a context menu in which you can choose which part of the guildmenu you want to open!
    • Middleclick (the mousewheel) = opening the applications window (if you do not have the manage applications permission it will show the guildroster!


Will post a message in your system chat when:
  • A note is changed
  • A new application arrives
    • will include the number of applications + how many are empty + how many are above in the threshhold you set in the settings

Context Menus
Added context menus in:
  • The guild roster to:
    • Backup the note
    • retrieve the note in storage
    • initiate welcome sequence (The steps you have set when a new member has joined)
    The player link:
    • Invites to all the guilds you have permission to invite for

More to come

Too long Trade GMs and Staff have had outdated tools or inconsistent experiences to do the daily maintenance required of running a functioning Trade Guild. Ghostwriter is the second addition of many, in terms of helpful and modern tools to get the job done.

About ITT
Independent Trading Team is a trade alliance on PC-EU, always looking to provide a productive community for its traders and partners.

This addOn was developed by JN Slevin. This would not have been possible without the help of Baertram, sirinsidiator, ghostbane, Dolgubon and everyone over at the ESOUI gitter channel thank you so much <3
