Dependencies: LibAddonMenu, LibCustomMenu, and OdySupportIcons(for Rose Icons in guild roster and chat)

Rose Guilds is a collection of active and welcoming social guilds in ESO.
We play on PC EU but ALL players are welcome to our Discord server. []

We have roughly 2,500 guild members from all over the world!

This addon is used to make traveling to a RoseGuilds guildhall quick and easy by adding rose icon's to the chat window, clicking a rose will teleport you to the respective guild hall.
It also adds a rose menu button giving you the option to visit a guildhall, open a guild listing to apply for your choice of Rose guild (It's possible the guilds will be full, If all 5 are full you can apply through discord) and an option to join the RoseGuilds Discord.

Choose your rose!
To many roses in your chat box? You can select to have only 1 show with the menu in addon settings or by using the /togglemidnight /togglewinter /togglesummer /togglespring or /toggleautumn commands in your chatbox, to show them all again you can use /resetroses

Trial links:
Slash commands for Veteran Trial achievement links, Using these will prefill the relevent trial clear achievement to the chat box for easier PuG grouping [/vaa, /vhrc, /vso, /vmol, /vhof, /vas, /vcr, /vss, /vka, /vrg, /vdsr, /vse]
We have four guild halls for our members to use. Each has a different aesthetic, but all are fitted to the same standard

Crafting set tables
We have ALL the set tables that are available in the game, so you can create every type of craftable gear in one place

Mundus stones
All 13 mundus stones

Transmute Station
Transmute and recon gear without travelling to Clockwork City

Armoury and Clothing Stations
Adjust your saved builds and outfits

Vampire thrall and fountain
Vampires can feed on the thrall to increase their vamp level, and drink from the fountain to decrease it

Access your personal bank, sell legitimate and stolen gear

Aetherial Wells
Use the well to instantly max your ultimate before parsing or trials

Target Dummies
- 21m trial dummies, which give buffs similar to trial groups. Parsing on these dummies gives a comparable DPS score
- 6m and 3m dummies. No buffs, but quicker to kill when you are practicing a rotation
Dummies don’t reset, so please finish them off once you’ve started
