Spirits of the Lake aka [SoL] is an active and welcoming social guild in ESO.

We play on PC EU but ALL players are welcome to our Discord server. [Discord.gg/KUUF5c8dpn]

This addon is (inspired by t.vicson from MirrorLand) used to make traveling to different guild halls quick and easy by adding a house icon to the chat window, clicking a house icon will open the drop-down menu. You can freely visit any of our partner's fully equipped Guild Halls.

Very useful addon during THE NEW ZEAL OF ZENITHAR IN-GAME EVENT! Easy way to complete your Master Writ!

Currently, we have four guild halls for our members to use. Each has a different aesthetic, but all are fitted to the same standard.

We extend our community and regularly add new rare beautiful places. If you what join our community and share your beautiful house, do not hesitate to contact me via PM or DC. In case you have really cool place we will add you and even your guild in this community addon.
Just keep in mind - The main point of this addon is to help ESO players get easy access to fully equipped Guild Halls and find Decorating Ideas for their own house.



All features:

Crafting set tables
  • We have ALL the set tables that are available in the game, so you can create every type of craftable gear in one place

Mundus stones
  • All 13 mundus stones

Transmute Station
  • Transmute and recon gear without traveling to Clockwork City

Armoury and Clothing Stations
  • Adjust your saved builds and outfits

Vampire thrall and fountain
  • Vampires can feed on the thrall to increase their vamp level, and drink from the fountain to decrease it (you have to be at least stage 2)

  • Access your personal bank, sell legitimate and stolen gear

Aetherial Wells
  • Use the well to instantly max your ultimate before parsing or trials

Target Dummies
  • 21m trial dummies, which give buffs similar to trial groups. Parsing on these dummies gives a comparable DPS score
  • 6m and 3m dummies. No buffs, but quicker to kill when you are practicing a rotation
Dummies don’t reset, so please finish them off once you’ve started

Upcoming features:
  • Bulk bank deposit / withdrawal
  • New beautiful Guild Hall location
