Are you in 2 or more guilds?
Are you an officer (or leader) of more than one guild?

Then this add-on could be something useful for you.
In the guild roster this add-on will add Three columns (2 default on, 1 off | can turn them on or off):
  1. Amount of same guilds as you this member is in
    • Tooltip shows: GuildName + Rank of the member*
  2. Notes over all guilds
    • Tooltip shows: Guildname + Note of that guild
  3. Column for kick immunity
    If the note contains a line that has a word in this list ("immune","vac","vacation", "holiday", "safe") the date in the same line will be displayed in this column.
    The date needs to be formatted like or and will be displayed as (01.02.12 -> 01.02.2012)
    If the date is < today than it will be gray, if the date == today i will be orange
    If there is an immune note in another guild (Date >= today) it will display an *

*: due to lack of space, guilds often don't close the color tag. The addon closes it, so there is no strange UI color.

This add-on is made for Valinor Trading Union (VTU), where it helps managing up to five guilds at once!
Feature requests probably won't be made, since I'm limited in my time and the sole purpose was helping my trading guild.

Settings (Yes i won't add a setting page for now):
  • /script GuildMemberInfo.savedVars["columns"]["numGuilds"] = true / false (Default: True)
  • /script GuildMemberInfo.savedVars["columns"]["fullNotes"] = true / false (Default: True)
  • /script GuildMemberInfo.savedVars["columns"]["immuneTill"] = true / false (Default: False)
  • /script GuildMemberInfo.savedVars["jit"] = true / false (Default: False)


This add-on is made as a hobby project in my free time. I'm not a professional developer. I can't promise (regular) updates, (quick) bug fixes, that the add-on is bug free or 100% optimized. I however did my best to make it as useful as possible. This is also why I included the "AS IS" notice in the folder. I hope however that this add-on will be useful to someone.
