Auto Kick:

The final puzzle piece for guild automation:
If you're already familiar with my addon "Auto Ranks", then the name "Auto Kick" alone should be self-explanatory. It does exactly what its name suggests: it automatically removes players from guilds depending on their sales and/or donations.

Main functions:
- Remove guild members based on their MM or ATT sales
- Remove guild members based on their donations
- Remove guild members based on their offline time
- Send automated mails with every removal
- Process all of your guilds at once with different settings for each

- Independently customizable time frames for sales, donations (per guild) and offline times (per rank)
- "Make List" will list every player below the set requirements
- "Make Specific List" will list (replacing the previous list) the worst performing x amount of members, in relation to the sales and donation requirements set
- "Process List" will remove every player on the current list
- When the amount of players with "0" stats is higher than the "Make Specific List" amount, all players with 0 stats will be listed instead
- "Make Specific List" will list the x amount of worst performing players, regardless of the donation and sales requirements you specificed. If you don't want to kick players that actually met the requirements, enable "Don't kick above requirements"
- Automatically excludes ranks and members with administrative guild permissions
- Option to exclude members with a note on their name or with a specific keyword in their note
- Chat notifications for every action (optional)
- New member rank option: don't kick anybody who joined only recently
- Dynamically adjusts (lowers) requirements for new members
- Track last donation: calculates a "this week" donation from the last donation in the logs
(- The current week donation will be calculated with the foruma: 7/DaysAgo * donation; Example: 20k donation 14 days ago->current donation=10k)
- Send mails to every kicked member
- Send an alternative mail to one selected rank
- Add a member's sales&donations stats and their offline time to every message
- Have a "Lifetime" rank, but you remove inactive players from it, that get their rank back when they return?
Then use the 'Remember player rank' function to save all players that were removed from a certain rank to a list. Auto Ranks now has a function to promote these members back to their original rank, once they return.
- Check the list of players to be kicked with
and remove people from that list with
/akexclude @player
to have full control over who is kicked
- Fully integrated into "Automate"

Addon Behaviour:
- When multiple requirements (sales, donations, offline time) are specified for a single rank, a player is only kicked if they fail to meet all of the active requirements
- When no requirements are set, nobody is kicked (everything=0 or left empty)
- When both MM and ATT are active, MM stats are prefered. When neither is, an error message is shown.
- The addon handles one removal every 1.6 seconds, unless no messages are being sent out, then it handles 50 kicks per second

- More info on how to fill in the numbers is given via tooltips
- I'd advise to enable 'Don't kick above requirements' when you're using the offline time threshold anywhere.
- You need to reload your UI to update the message previews (limitation of libAddonMenu)
- Pictures here show how I have it set up for my guild Pact Veteran Trade as guideline
- I'd advise to reset your addon settings when you change your ranking structure, the order of your guilds or the language of your client.

-Master Merchant (3.6 or higher) or Arkadius' Trade Tools
-Auto Ranks
-ShissuHistoryScanner (Integrated into Auto Ranks)
If you're having issues with the addon, delete "ShissuHistoryScanner" from your addon folder or uninstall Shissu's Guild Tools.
