Heal Counter is an addon for healers, from tracking your abilities to seeing how much of the group has Spell Power Cure on them. When you first load up the game, you can choose where to drop the display on your screen. The useful 'i' button in the top right of the display will open up the Heal Counter Report, which can also be keybinded if you prefer.

The on-screen display has the following information:
- How many total unique players you've healed (TPH)
- How many players you have rezzed (TPR)
- From four sets, you can choose two of them to display: Earthgore (EG), Spell Power Cure (SPC), Transmutation (TRS), Gossamer (GOS), Troll King (TRK), and Meritorious Service (MS)
-- These two slots will provide how much of the group has the ability (percentage and X/X)
-- If you choose Earthgore, it'll tell you when it's available with a cooldown timer
-- If you choose Gossamer, it is tracking how much of the group has Major Evasion, which can come from other sources.
- From 2 abilities, you can choose one of them to display: Rapids (RPD), Combat Prayer (CBP) or Siege Shield (SS)
-- Rapids will tell you two numbers; the first set is how much of the group is IN RANGE and need rapids, while the second set is how much of the group have rapids.
-- For Rapids, players are considered IN RANGE if they are within range of the group and you are in range of the group. In range doesn't always mean that your ability can hit them, so use common sense!
-- For Rapids, you can choose whether to just display the first set of the numbers or both sets.
-- Combat Prayer will show you how much of the group (percentage and X/X) has Minor Berserk on, which can come from other sources.
-- Siege Shield will be tracked like Earthgore; it does a timer down from 20 from when you cast it.
- The sets and abilities you choose to track will always be tracking group members only
- Each of these can be toggled on / off to decide whether to display them on-screen, as well as having the ability to turn the on-screen display off altogether.

The Heal Counter Report displays the following information:
- Your overall best TPH and TPR overtime.
- Two abilities, for player units and abilities:
-- Your players table will show what players you've healed, rezzed, or otherwise used one of the chosen sets or abilities
-- Your abilities table will show which healing abilities (or passives) you've used, as well as your avg., min., max., and how much of the time it's crit
- The abilities / sets you choose to track will display in the players table for how many times YOU activated that set / ability on that player
- Since you can't rez yourself, that number for your name is in blue - this is how many times you've been rezzed by other players.
- You can sort either table by clicking the header of each column.
-- Sorting the 'Rez' column in the players table won't include your number in the sorting, since it's not considered part of that data.
- The report only updates when opening the report; you cannot heal with the report open and expect it to work.

You can choose to have a smaller report post in the chat of your choice. Simply write '/hcr' in chat and it'll default to group chat. You can write '/hcr say' to 'Say' it, or '/hcr w @aldericon' to whisper it to the player @aldericon. It will post your current TPH, TPR, your current level (based off of TPH), and - if your overall scores don't match your current scores - post your overall best TPH and TPR as well.

You always have the choice of using '/hcr2' which is more PVE driven. It goes through each healing ability you've used in the current session and gives:
- the percentage of that ability used compared to other abilities; those with less then 1 with show as 0%
- average of that ability used

The settings menu gives you the option to:
- Choose when you can move the on-screen display and the Heal Counter Report pop-up
- Whether to only have the addon enabled in PVP
-- The addon currently does not consider the Battlegrounds to be PVP.
- What tracking level you'd like: this can be everything (NPCs included), players only or group members only
-- When going from Everything to Players Only or Group Members Only, your session will reset so the data is correct. Going from Group Members only to Everything won't reset session.
-- You might be surprised what you heal when you have 'Everything' turned on; a Keep Wall or Door is considered an NPC!
- Whether all rezzes count or only those that are accepted count
- What number to check for FPS to see if calculations and updated should stop until FPS is back up
- Whether to display a Rez Notification when someone denies / accepts your rez
- Whether to display a Siege Notification when you hit another player with your siege
- Whether to use UserID whenever possible (Purge Indicator, Rez & Siege Notifications)
- Whether to have the Purge Indicator on, always or PVE or PVP
-- Whether to only track yourself or your group too (group only works for PVE groups)
-- Whether to only track PVP debuffs while in PVP
- Reset your current session (does not reset your overall best scores)
- Reset your high scores (sets your current scores to be your highest)
- The options to show the on-screen display or the HCR pop-up
- Whether to display TPH or TPR
-- For TPH, you can choose to do this per session or per combat. If per session, it will only reset as you log in / out (or reload ui). If per combat, everytime you start combat it will go back down to 0.
- Which sets and abilities to track
-- These need to have UI reloaded so that the HCR and data are set up correctly.
- For Rapids, which set of numbers to display
- For Rapids, if only to do calculations when mounted
- A number of different options for moving the text around the on-screen display, changing font size, etc.

The add-on gets more accurate as you use more skills on players. For example, using one ability on a player might not be enough to get their '@ Name' information, but using it several times might be. It will try to 'disappear' as you're in settings or viewing your mail. There is the option to turn on / off debugging and how much to show - this is mostly for me, but feel free to fiddle with it. Level 1 (Information) can show you some useful stuff.

NOTE: I have tried to implement purging in PVP. However, debuff information is not available for other players while in PVP. One could implement a system to have the player 'share' their debuffs with the group in some format, but no solutions offer themselves that won't cause lag and will be accurate, especially while in PVP.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to mail me in game at '@aldericon'.

  • LibAddonMenu-2.0
