Required libs:

How does it work:
If you were pulled in a dungeon while being in a house, then when you leave a group in a dungeon, the add-on will automatically start traveling to that house after 5 seconds with a message which contains a name of the house and house owner's UserID. Caution: if you move, travelling will be canceled.
Add-on remembers the HouseID when you either go/port to your house, visit someone's primary residence via Guild/Friends/Group context menu or go in a preview house (optional, ON by default), also compatible with addons like 'Port To Friend's House'; addon forgets ID if you either exit through a door or teleport yourself somewhere outside of houses.

I made this addon because I've seen a post on ESO official forums, where the player was quite angry because he was sick and tired of instanced dungeon and instanced houses. The thing is, when you're getting teleported from a dungeon (when you left your group), you'll arrive somewhere in the Game World even if you were in your house when Group Tool pulled you into that dungeon.
So, I decided to make this add-on to make things a little better for that guy and for me as well, 'cause I'm very annoyed with current "load screens & instances everywhere!" system.
Now you can use Group Tool in a house, and this add-on will automatically return you back home after the dungeon run.

Sad news:
You cannot teleport to a house while in PvP area, so this addon only works in dungeons.

Options available:
- Turn ON/OFF automatic teleportation when left the group in a dungeon (ON by default).
- Notifications either at the center of the screen or in chat.
- Slash command: type /cbh to teleport to the last visited house.
- Keybinding: you can set the key to start teleportation to the last visited house. Go to the game's Controls settings and search for Coming Back Home category there.
