The library "LibAddonMenu" is required to use this add-on.

For players that only want to use the Open House, Guest Journal, Favorite Homes and Recent Homes features of Essential Housing Tools we now offer the Housing Hub add-on as a light-weight alternative option.

What is Essential Housing Tools? A brief summary of many of its features...

Join the Essential Housing Community to host server-wide Open Houses for your homes. Installing the included Community app takes less than a minute...

Add visual effects (skylines, fog, rain and much more) to your home - no item slots required...

...and sharing your FX with your friends and guilds has never been easier:

Click the "EHT" button > Click Essential Effects > Click the "Share" tab and choose:

Share with Chat

to share your FX with your current chat channel (say, group, zone, guild, etc.)


Share with Email

to share your FX via email messages (ideal for when the recipient is offline)


Share with Guilds

to silently share your FX with all online guild members of one or more guilds

Please note that we cannot accept requests for new custom FX at this time.

...and the new Housing Hub (ALT+H by default or the new "House" icon in the game's top menu bar) offers a convenient directory and fast travel to all of your homes, as well as any other players' homes that you have been to or added as Favorites:

Access any home of any player with just their @Player name
(provided that you have permission, of course)

Single-click to visit ...
- Any home that you own
- Any players' home that you have been to recently
- Any players' home that you have added as a Favorite

View a list of homes (yours and other players) that you have visited recently

Order your favorites however you wish or sort them alphabetically

Share Visual FX directly from the Housing Hub, including
- Your homes' FX
- Other players' FX that have been shared with you

Access a convenient and automatic list of participating guild members' homes
for contests and housing tours:

- Just ask your Guild Master to list the participants' @Player names in the guild's
Message of the Day and the Housing Hub will build a click-to-visit list of homes,
making housing tours and contest judging easier and more enjoyable.

What's Essential Housing Tools...?

- Snap furniture items together quickly
- Move and rotate groups of items together and with precision
- Align, center, level and orient groups of items
- Save and later restore entire groups of items
- Copy groups of items to clone them or even paste them into a different house
- Share groups of items with friends by importing/exporting Clipboards
- Automatically backup your entire house
- Undo and redo multiple changes
- Toggle groups of Lights ON/OFF with 1-click
- Trigger home automation routines using a variety of conditions
- Animate items or automatically rearrange items with Scenes
- Build immaculate construction projects using shape templates including Circles, Domes, Spheres, Spirals, Cubes and others.

...and much more - with new features being added constantly. (No, really - check the Change Log tab)

Check out the Essential Housing Tools Tutorial playlist on YouTube for a walk through of how to get started, as well as the basics of each module: well as the Essential Housing Tools Demos playlist for dozens of videos demonstrating what this addon is capable of...

Getting Started...

After downloading and installing Essential Housing Tools, you will first need to set up two key binds under:

Controls | Housing Editor | Essential Housing Tools

for the following items:

* Show Selection Window
* Select / Deselect

(You can key bind the other items later if you choose to, but these two are fairly essential - pun intended.)

Then, just press your key bind for "Show Selection Window".

If its your first time using the add-on, the Tutorial Tips will be shown as you move through each Tab.

You can always click the "Show tutorial tips" button (circled "I" icon) in the top-left of the add-on's window to see these Tips again at any time.

...and if you prefer to use slash commands to manage your favorites:

Set a favorite house and list your favorites using:

/setfavhouse 2 Topal
Sets Favorite number 2 as your Grand Topal Hideaway.

* Note that you may abbreviate any house name
** For your own homes, you may also use your custom house name that you can change via the Collectibles menu

/setfavhouse 11 @Cardinal05 earthtear
Sets Favorite number 11 as @Cardinal05's Earthtear Cavern.

* Note that you may use Favorites number 1 through 20

Lists your Favorites.

Travel to any of your houses, including favorites, or anyone else's house using:

/house 2
Travels to Favorite number 2.

/house topal
Travels to your Grand Topal Hideaway.

/house @Cardinal05
Travels to @Cardinal05's primary house.

/house @Cardinal05 linchal
Travels to @Cardinal05's Linchal Grand Manor.

You may also travel to your primary home, as well as establish a specific custom primary home for each character that you have using:

Travels to your primary home or, if assigned, your custom primary home for the current character.

Sets your current character's custom primary home to the home you are currently in.

/sethome Snugpod
Sets your current character's custom primary home to the Snugpod.

Clears your current character's custom primary home, restoring it to your account-wide primary home.
...and Happy Housing
@Cardinal05 & @Architectura
