
Automatically maintain a database of the furniture items you have throughout all of your homes, characters, bank, storage coffers and storage chests.

Just visiting your bank, your homes and your storage chests and coffers catalogs the furniture placed there and logging in with your characters catalogs the furniture in their inventory. Any new furniture that you acquire and any furniture moves that you make are captured as well, automatically. Just be sure to leave DecoTrack enabled and it will do the rest.

DecoTrack integrates seamlessly with
Housing Hub and Essential Housing Tools to allow you to quickly and easily search all of your furniture items - wherever they may be - from the housing hub.

You can open the Housing Hub or Essential Housing Tools' Hub a number of ways including:

* Type /hub
* Open your inventory, then click the "Home" icon in the game's top menu bar
* Specifically for Essential Housing Tools, while in a house, mouse over the "EHT" button and click the "Housing Hub" icon
* Specifically for Housing Hub, while in a house, click the Hub Widget on the side of the screen.

Then, just click the "Furniture" tab and browse your furniture across all of your characters, homes, storage chests and coffers and your bank.

Note that you may search your furniture by typing an item name (or partial item name), item category (such as "lighting" or even just "light"), character name, house name, storage chest or coffer name into the Search field at the bottom of the Housing Hub.

Alternatively, you may also search your furniture items using a very simple set of slash commands in the Chat window.

To search your items by full or partial item name, category, house name, storage coffer or chest name or self-assigned nickname or by bank:

/deco search_phrase

Search results are organized by item category and each matching item also shows a quantity per location (house, coffer, chest, character or bank), allowing you to easily find all of your Replica Dreamshard items (and all other furniture ).

Example usages:

/deco daedric base
/deco base

/deco lighting
/deco lig

/deco grand topal hideaway
/deco topal

/deco bank

/deco storage coffer

/deco Suzy the Sorc
/deco Suzy

Also, if you don't feel like visiting every house to update the DecoTrack database, just type...

/deco update

...and then go get a coffee. It will automatically visit every house that you own to make sure that the furniture in each house is added to the database.
