  • Adds a searchbox to Furniture, Food and Drink lists at the crafting station.
  • (Toggleable) Takes data from your market-pricing addons and displays craft-costs and market-value.
  • (Toggleable) Adds a button to search for Provisioner Daily Writ recipes at the crafting station.
  • (Toggleable, Default Off) Adds a "doorbell" feature which announces when guests arrive or depart a player-house.
  • Searchbox and price tooltip are both movable. The tooltip can be dragged from anywhere and the searchbox can be dragged from its pin.

A search is performed as you type into the box. As having a large list of known recipes can result in some lag, an adjustable delay has been built in to this search.

This addon was created as a personal tool for my crafting and I hope to expand it with more housing, furnishing and crafting features I find useful. As such I've added craft-costs and profit indicators that take data from Arkadius Trade Tools, Master Merchant and Tamriel Trade Centre (if any of them are installed) and displays the information under the results tooltip at crafting stations.

The market average and TTC suggested costs of furnishings are colored green if it would be profitable to sell at those prices, and red if their average is below the cost to craft them. Indicator arrows are also displayed and can be toggled on or off in the settings.

If you have your Provisioner Daily Writ quest active, the provisioning station will display a button next to the search box. Pressing this button will fill in and search for the quest's food or drink recipe (depending on your active tab).

The doorbell feature sends you a message when guests arrive and depart from a player-house you are in, and also displays some basic information when you enter a house.
Slash Commands
/hhf -- Opens the options panel for this addon
/guests -- Displays a system message with some population information.
