Automatically sort and store away your unused furniture into any extra homes that you may have. Simply select the homes that you use for furniture storage and assign furniture categories and/or racial styles to each of those homes. Then watch as your character ports from one house to the next, moving your stored furniture between those homes based on your selections.

For example, if you assigned the following furniture categories to these homes...

Ample Domicile
Furniture Categories: Courtyard, Lighting
Racial Styles: All

Coldharbour Surreal Estate
Furniture Categories: Dining, Hearth, Structure
Racial Styles: Breton, High-elf

...then Magic Sorter would jump your character between your Ample Domicile and Coldharbour Surreal Estate homes and...

Move all styles of Courtyard and Lighting furnishings to your Ample Domicile (from your Coldharbour Surreal Estate).
Move all Breton and High-elf Dining, Hearth and Structure furnishings to your Coldharbour Surreal Estate (from your Ample Domicile).

A few quick things to note:
- You may sort as many homes as you would like, organized however you wish - even by furniture subcategories.
- Only the homes that you select are sorted; your other homes are left undisturbed.
- If you do not assign a particular furniture category to any homes at all, those types of items will be left undisturbed.

Setup is as simple as...

1. Open your Inventory and click "Magic Sorter" at the bottom of the Inventory menu.
2. Select one or more dedicated storage homes (do not select any homes that you have decorated or that you do not want to use for furniture storage)
3. Drag any combination of furniture category and subcategories into each storage home to have those types of items moved to that home from the other selected homes
4. You may also further refine your sorting by restricting which styles of items are stored in which homes (Breton items stored here, Daedric items stored there, etc.)
5. Click Start and get yourself a coffee... or just watch the sorting magic unfold.

Watch this short video guide (1:48)
