Welcome to House Tours*!

House Tours presents a way to add non-audio subtitles to pathing NPCs in your house. The text is tied to a node, and both your and the NPCs distance from that node. These distances are moderately customizable, but as an example you can set it up so that your Senche-Raht will talk about the statue of a Khajiit as it passes by, which you will "hear" as a subtitle if you're close enough when the Senche-Raht passes the specific node. There are a number of other use cases, including just creating beckoning merchants by creating one singular node with no other paths, (so the NPC stays stationary), and then assign text to that node so that in essence, as you approach the NPC they will call you over.

The Interface:
See the attached screenshots for an idea of the interfaces, but basically the functionality currently involves a few /commands and the text input box. The text input box is brought up by selecting a node with the "Precision Edit" option. Then you can navigate your cursor over the text box and input your text. At that point you use the Housing Editor Quinary Action keybind (which may be unbound in your Controls) to save the text and you should receive a notification in the top-right of the screen that it was successful.

Once you've done this for the nodes you wish, you can type "/htpreview" and a subtitle will show up letting you know you have entered preview mode. Now you can wander around your house and see the "Tour" in action.

Behind-The-Scenes Points to Note:
  • There is a default timer so that the same subtitle does not trigger again multiple times in quick succession.
  • Subtitles are queued. This means they will not override each other if one is triggered before the last has finished. This is a modification of the default ESO functionality.
  • The "Send House Tour" button in Options will send your Tour to me via in-game mail. At that point I can take the result and add it to the AddOn. Who sees it can still be controlled by visitor permissions on your house.

Features Under Consideration:
  • Make the default timer on subtitle-repeats a variable option.
  • Give the option to turn off subtitle queues.
  • Expose functionality to allow for "leaving area" subtitle triggers. For example; you get far away from an NPC and a response gets triggered.
  • Make the "distance-from-node" modifiable attributes individually affect nodes, rather than apply equally to all nodes.

Required Libraries:
