
Solaris 作者: Fosterwerks

A timeline bar showing the day/night cycles of the game over a two day (real-time) period. Deliniation marks are at midnight and noon. Real-time indicator arrow will reset at midnight of the current day and repopulate the line with the next 48 hours of in

Descent 作者: Kaborgh

Daily undaunted pledges + achievements yet to be earned (HM, ND, Speed Run). Get them all together in one place (maybe there’s even a dungeon quest inside yet to be done?):Get the dailies, open the dungeon finder, check the highlighted lines, brace your

FsBountyDecay 作者: FelipeS11

This addon will display a window, which shows how many seconds do you need to clear your Bounty and HeatDependencies:- LibAddonMenu-2.0 - Provides settings menus for addons- LibFsCommons - Functions to print system messages