
Solaris 作者: Fosterwerks

A timeline bar showing the day/night cycles of the game over a two day (real-time) period. Deliniation marks are at midnight and noon. Real-time indicator arrow will reset at midnight of the current day and repopulate the line with the next 48 hours of in

Loot Window 作者: Jodynn

Loot Window is like Loot Log but it's own window.Basic Options : ( with their defaults ) group = trueshowGold = falseshowHeader = trueself = true7opacity = 40verbose = trueyou = "You"show = truewidth = 500height = 249fontSize = 15fadeOut = tr

Permanent Experience Bar 作者: positron

OverviewThis addon keeps your Experience Bar there, permanently.UsageSimply install the addon and the Experience Bar will remain in the top left corner of the UI. If you want to fiddle with the internals, there is a `/expbar` command with a few options