This addon allows you to convert a time to a different time zone through a simple chat box command.

Once installed, please set your local time zone by using the command "/convert set " followed by your time zone.

You can check your set time zone by using the command "/convert view"

To use the addon you can use the command "/convert" to change a given time to your home time zone, alternatively you can use the command "/convertto" to change a given time from your home time zone to the specified time zone.

The command expects you to first specify the time zone you need followed by the time you need to convert.

An example would be "/convert GMT 09.00" to convert 9am from GMT to your local time zone.

In these early days of the addon, the following time zones were supported at launch,


Multiple time zones added with each update. I will add a complete list once I have finished with adding zones.

Please post any time zones you would like added in the comments or add them in my developmental discord at the following address
