This add-on is a wrap-up of some info bars I use in game.
This is a work in progress, I'll update and polish them regularly.


Available info bars

Endeavors info bar
Show your daily and weekly endeavors infos (with tooltip details)

Crafting Quests info bar
Show your Daily Crafting Writs infos (with tooltip details).
* Only functional for French and English language. Needs translation for other languages...

* Material qty info is only for some mat, related to latest crafting level. I'll update this bar to support all crafting level soon(tm)

Riding bar
Show when you can train your mount

Time bar
Show real time and time spend in game.

Inventory space bar
Show your used inventory slots

Golds bar
Show how rich you are!

Speed info bar
Show your current speed (experimental)

Language bar
Switch language with a simple click.

Mail bar
  • Quick check if you have new mails.
  • Option to show/hide text
  • Clic on bar to open mailbox.

Setting Menu
A setting menu is available to enable/disable and customize each bar.

Why ?

I'm using lots of bars to show some infos in game. There is already many bar addons and I use some of them... But when I can't find exactly some info I'm looking for, I create my own bar.
And since I've spent a lot of time on this, I decided to share my work with the community.

How ?

I've created a "framework" to easily create and manage info bars.
I'll update this description someday, to add details on the YeOldeUIBar and YeOldeInfoBar_Base classes, if anyone want to use them.

What's planned next ?
  • Option to lock position (new in v1.1)
  • Add option to control bar background transparency (new in v1.1)
  • Add new bars
    • Inventory space (new in v1.1)
    • Golds infos (new in v1.1)
    • Time + time played (new in v1.3)
    • Mount training (new in v1.3)
    • ...
  • Add more descriptions and translations in settings menu
  • Add some customization options
    • Visibility (show/hide in menus or game) (done in v1.2)
    • Custom fonts (done in v1.5)
    • Custom icon and font size (done in v1.5)

How to say thanks?

Since I'm spending too much time coding instead of gaming, just send me some golds ingame and I'll be happy!
@YeOldeDragon (NA server)
