---- OVERVIEW ----
This is a simple panel that will display:

-Gold on your character and in your bank
-Space in your character's inventory and in your bank.
-Gear durability for your lowest item.
-Charge remaining on your lowest weapon.
-Amount of time until your mount is ready for be trained.

It also has the following options:
-Automatic repair of your gear when at a merchant.
-Automatic repair of your gear when it falls below a certain durability.
-Automatic charge of your weapons when they fall below a certain charge level.
-Manual repair of your gear by hitting the repair button.
-Manual charge of your weapons by hitting the charge button.

Automatic repair/charge can be disabled in the Addon settings panel.
Thresholds for automatic and manual repair/charge can be configured in the Addon settings panel.

The addon is ENGLISH ONLY for now.

Please feel free to provide any constructive feedback you may have. This is my first addon and I'm always looking for ways to improve.


1. Download the attached zip file.
2. Extract it to your ESO addons folder under "InfoDisplay".
The extracted contents should look like:
