
Auto Message 作者: peniku8

Send one message to multiple recipients with Auto Message!You can-Input a list of userIDs to send a mail to-Select a guild to message-Select individual or multiple ranks of a guild-Exclude members via Note (enable "Note Immunity" to ignore all member

Mail Space 作者: Verling

[EN]Adds an information line to the mail window with the number of received emails (0-72) and the maximum visible emails (/72).It displays in color when the number of emails is approaching the limit (yellow) or equal to or greater (red).The mailbox is

Priority Mail 作者: Architectura

Persistence is a virtue... and Priority Mail will persistently attempt to deliver your mail to any recipients that are less diligent about cleaning out their inbox.How to use Priority Mail:1. Send mail to any player who decides to let their inbox fill u

MailArchive 作者: sirinsidiator

A small addon I hacked together in a couple hours so I won't loose my precious customer appreciation mail collection.Likely incompatible with many other mail addons, but at least the data will be stored for now.To archive a mail, simply open it in the m